Friday, July 18, 2008

Important: Scheduling Interviews

Greetings. I've got an important announcement regarding the production of "It's a Bash":

On the evening of Tuesday, July 29 we're going to be conducting interviews with several people who either have stories to tell about Neutral Nation, the punk scene that surrounded Neutral Nation, or the individual members of Neutral Nation. If you saw them live, if you bought their records, if you knew them, if you were a regular at "The Rocket" or the old Living Room or, heck, even the early days of Club Babyhead then we want to talk to you and we want to talk to you on camera and then put you in the movie.

Don't worry if you don't think you'll be good on camera: most people don't think that. We're just going to record a conversation and edit it in.

Please get in touch, soon (we're going to schedule specific times) - you can email me at (remove the DONOTSPAM).

Thanks, and please repost.

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